Quality policy
Ridix is a company that has its focus on the human being
In a business where personal abilities represent fundamental factors for success, Ridix believes that the most important competitive advantage is created by the human relations. Our objective is to valorize every single player that plays a role in our business, from our partners, to the final customer and to every collaborator.
Ridix Quality policy, is built combining the Company’s Mission and its Values, intercepting new ways of expression in order to improve the Company, projecting it towards the future in continuity with the past.
- Import and sell in Italy, as a for-profit company, foreign technologies distributing products that comprehend machine tools, equipment, marking systems, tools, coolants, standard parts for mould, electrical connectors and manifolds;
- Develop the best technical/commercial service, focusing on an effective after-sale service, capable of reading, adding value and satisfy the customer;
- Represent the Producers’ interests that commit us the mandate of sale, adopting ethical behaviors, consolidating with time fair relationships built on trust, integrity and looking to create value in the long term;
- Carefully listen the needs of our customers and constantly interface with our Partners to answer in an effective way to these needs;
- With the view to collaborate as close and as legit as possible, build the relationships with the customers on kindness, availability, fairness and professionality;
- Grasp and develop new technological opportunities offered by the market, constantly improving the efficiency and the effectiveness of the services/products that we offer;
- Develop the value of the competitors adopting principles of fairness, truthful competition and clarity towards all the operators on the market: competitors are the motivation for a constant improvement;
- Satisfy the requirements applicable by the norm ISO 9001:2015;
- Adopt an approach based on the analysis and the evaluation of resources and opportunities;
- Communicate our quality policy to all the interested parties.

Company values
- Do a good job, with dignity and respect for the rules, but, and foremost, taking inspiration from shared principles and values;
- Promote fairness, consistency, legality, respect and transparency of the behaviors in a context of mutual trust and interdependency, both within Collaborators, with the Customers, Suppliers and Competitors;
- Guarantee a collaborative working environment, built on trust;
- Respect the national and international standards as a binding and essential condition, inspiring the decisions and behaviors to the possible evolutions of the regulatory framework;
- Promote young people, creating stages opportunities inside the company, collaborations with universities for thesis researches and giving the possibility for projects of school/job alternation.